No, not that puppy, I think we've pretty much exhausted the topic of America's First Dog. Over at Mod Livin' the 3rd Annual Best in Show Puppy Show is taking place.
Participants were asked to decorate large and small MAGIS Puppies (designed by Eero Aarnio) to be auctioned off on April 24th and proceeds are donated to the local Denver Downtown Animal Care Foundation that assists loving pet owners on low/fixed incomes. The online vote winner gets bragging rights and a Mod Livin' gift certificate for $250.
I love the simple "The Puppy" signed by Eero Aarnio but there are many appealing designs to vote for. Do you have a favourite?
Competition ends Thursday April 23rd. Vote early, vote often.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Vote for the Top Puppy
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A Special Offer
This is a promotion I can get behind. Lord and Taylor will pay me to go see a movie and, bonus, it's a movie I was going to catch anyway.
Of course, they won't give me the ticket price in cold hard cash, I'll have to buy something and have the $10 (or however much it's gone up to this week) deducted from my purchase, but I can live with that.
I'm sure there's something I need. Ah yes! A couple of weeks ago, I lost a glove I use when dog-walking. The weekend it disappeared the weather turned warm in NY and I thought I wouldn't need to replace it until next winter. Of course since then it's been bitterly cold and I've walked the dogs with one hand in my pocket. (Not easy to pick up poop and hold two dogs that way). I could buy myself a new pair of gloves, hopefully on sale for $10, which would make them free. Win-win*.
Now what do you think is the likelihood that Lord & Taylor will have gloves for sale at the end of March?
* Actually win-win-win as it gives me another opportunity to show the Lord and Taylor logo that Andrew Geller designed. You know Andy Geller, right? Designer and architect of The Cool House. That's him standing in the house, in the Cool House Photostream (left).
Saturday, February 21, 2009
SIlver Score
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Last Days of the Empire
Hey. how's this for an ironic design statement. As the glory days of the American Empire are waning (more cars were sold in China last month than in the USA for the first time; this will be a marker in the history classes of future generations) Williams-Sonoma is offering a selection of home decorating items in the British Colonial style. Think Caribbean colonial rather than the Raj, with the exception of this elephant table, pineapples and botanical prints, breezy lemon and palm tree greens. I'm not sure if the white ceramic animal trend is over yet, it's here, there and everywhere at the moment, but I have kind of a hankering for a grape-bearing elephant.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Dried Bull Penises Done Up In A Braid
I have to go see if they have Steer Pizzle at a Trader Joe's on Long Island.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm using the iphone as a portable, pictorial list-making device so next time I go to the liquor store I can remember the name of the delightfully smooth yet smokey single malt we are adding to hot water, lemon and a cane sugar cube to ward off the evil effects of the damned cold virus that's plagued as for the past 10 days. Yes, I know that's no way to treat a malt from the Islands but we're too sick to go get any Famous Grouse. It's called making do.........
Monday, December 08, 2008
Light Up the Turtle
Honestly, would you ever light this? It is so detailed and turtle-like I couldn't bring myself to do it. Turtle candle from designer Sophie Labayle Mitchell. Get it at moss online, also available - hot tropical frog.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Etro is 40, too
This fabulous Rose tote is part of Italian Fashion House Etro's 40th Anniversary Collection. It was fleetingly available at ideeli, but sadly sold out fast. The paisley print leather bag with neon green or fuchsia pink accents was really quite restrained for the company which is better known for its quirky accessories and over the top style.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Wildlife at the Bar
Stylish and adorable. Just the thing to go with all that alcohol, although these guys have such haughty expressions I think they might be judging me if I used them for their intended purpose.
Black shot animal glasses with carved pewter heads from Goody Grams via Generate.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuscan Village?
So that outing to The Arches went as well as those who know me predicted it would. I came away with a headache, a new-found admiration for the parking skills of my fellow humans and a promise to NEVER, EVER go to an outlet center again. Oh, and no, thanks for asking, I didn't buy anything either.
I knew it was a bad idea when I sat for twenty minutes waiting to get into the car park. I knew I should have turned around and gone home when the sales assistant on handbags at Saks said "Ignore those special offer prices, there's nothing here at that price. I don't know why they're priced like that, I'm waiting to speak to the manager. Oh, but you can take 20% off any handbag"...? But it was when I heard the sound of a German oompah band playing live on the Via Firenze that I knew I'd come unstuck.
Best overheard remark from two shoppers looking over the home decor section at Neiman Marcus: What's the quickest way from here to T.J. Maxx?"
Saturday, May 24, 2008
To decorate my $230 million pad
I would so start with this gorgeous Hermes Espresso Cup and Saucer on sale at, part of the Balcon Du Guadalquivir set. Available in red on white porcelain, 2 for only $171.00. It would work pretty well in my kitchen here, too. Except for that pesky price tag...
Friday, February 15, 2008
My newest guilty obsession
Just to tide me over the ebay boycott next week I have been wasting many hours researching the wonderful decorative items for sale on Etsy.
I found this really cute glass dish from deSignSSglaSS. I'm going to use as a soap-dish in the girls' bath. The size is just right and it has a nice modern feel, plus it's unique. The weird thing is that the stripes are more sage green than pewter in real life.
Funny how the camera lies isn't it?
Monday, December 31, 2007
Feeding my addiction
My ebay addiction, that is. I bid, I won. Score.
The credenza is teak, 6' 6" long and was made in Denmark sometime in the 60s or 70s. I think it will be perfect against the long wall in the kitchen. We just have to get it from its present home to ours. Yippee.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Not this side of Xmas
I always wondered what $3,000 worth of cushions looked like and now I know. Courtesy of New York's own Maurice Villency these pillows cost between $595 and $275 each. Prices are subject to change.
My only other question is: How is one supposed to sit on that sofa?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Manako Floor Lamp
For quite a while now we've been looking for a lamp to go in the corner of Steven's office. He is always complaining he never has enough light in there but he hasn't liked any of the obvious solutions, like better task lighting.
Then I got an email from Room & Board this morning that featured this beautiful Manako floor lamp made of mango wood. It seemed to be just what we were looking for. But a click on the "room views" made me think that the proportions would be wrong for the space. This thing is huge. It's also $699 + $79 delivery so it wouldn't be happening anytime soon, but I still think it's a gorgeous piece.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Funky, stylish and fun
I knew I should have left that wallpaper alone when we moved in. Even though it had fused to the wall where water had leaked through the windows, and there were damp patches from the water penetration from the roof it was typical 60s paper. And guess what? All of a sudden wallpaper is back and it's fabulous.
I really want to put one 60s inspired kick-ass wallpaper somewhere in the house and I think the foyer is crying out for this one, appropriately called Party Girl, in red. Or maybe this ferm Living Feather wallpaper in a rich teal colour.
Either way, I'm going to have to wait until the master bath is renovated and all its leaks fixed, it would be heartbreaking to put it up and then find dripping bath water had fused it to the wall.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Shady shopping
Is it my imagination or has it suddenly got a whole lot easier to find clean, modern soft furnishings in the US? Three or four years ago I had terrible trouble trying to find something sleek to keep the early morning sun out of my eyes before I'd had my daily infusion of caffeine. I even made Steven carry two 6' roller blinds from Habitat in London, England back to New York because I couldn't find anything here. Customs at JFK sarkily informed him that they did sell blinds in NY and, while that was true, at that time they were all vinyl or frilly. Now, though, I have a ton of resources to look at, from relatively cheap to astronomical.
I don't actually need any new blinds or shades at the moment but if I did I would definitely check out this modern roller blind at The Shade Store. I always have a hard time picking upholstery and fabric on line because the colours can't be accurately displayed but the great thing for me is that I can visit their showroom at The Conran Shop in Manhattan and see the merchandise close up. Some of the things that Conran sells are pretty expensive, although I've had quite a few bargains there over the years, but the wood blinds seem to be slightly cheaper than the one I bought for the downstairs bath, and the designer hardware seems reasonable too.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
It's a different part of the budget, dear
A stream of delivery men have come and gone today leaving me cool and necessary items. Nothing renovation related, mind you, that part of the budget is closed for the remainder of the year. No, these are decorative items and decoration, as everyone knows, has absolutely nothing to do with construction or demolition.
Creative economics or semantics this may be, but it's how I will be accounting for it when Steven comes home and though wowed by the new pendant light in the bedroom, asks me where the money came from!
I'll need to be a little conciliatory because I want him to help me install the shade tonight before our gusts arrive tomorrow. I've been looking for nice shades since I bought this one at the Conran Shop a while ago. It was a really reasonable $49 and not surprisingly they sold out quickly and never restocked. That meant two bedrooms had their original plastic lights, which I like, but no amount of cleaning will change their dingy grey colour so it was definitely time for a change.
Then I saw this gorgeous Lulworth lamp from Mibo at Design Public that will go perfectly in Verity's room.
We also needed a new duvet cover and I got a cool grey one from CB2, which is now sold out, so no picture until I make up the bed.
The last delivery and the most important, was three cases of espresso coffee pods from our local supplier. Like everything else these pods have been going up in price, but it's my habit and I need my daily fix. Now, if I make Steven a nice espresso before I show him my new purchases do you think he'll be in a more receptive mood?
Sometimes I wish I lived in Europe
Not often, but when Heal's send me their newsletter and it contains gems like the Twigs Bronze Shade for a very reasonable 16 GBP, which is approx $33 today, and that including tax, I get a little homesick. At least for classic, modern design.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Pretty or ugly?
Am I the only person who thinks this Kohler Finial wall-mounted faucet looks as if it's clinging onto the wall like an actor in a B movie pretending to hang on to the side of a mountain. You know that really he's stretched out on the floor faking that white knuckle business.
Maybe it's just that the sleek grey tiles in the photo seem at odds with the ornate handles on this model, maybe it's the detailing on the mount but it seems oddly disproportionate. It doesn't look as though it was designed to fit the space, just that it was stuck on its side and I'm expecting it to slide off any moment.
However, if it rocks your boat it's available with white handles too.