The Cool House: Saturday morning:The laughter continues

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday morning:The laughter continues

I have a meeting and a few errands to run but I can't leave you without something to mull over.
It occurred to me while watching my guilty pleasure The Real Housewives of New York that The Countess, who has written a book on manners to help the proles conduct themselves in polite society, reminded me of someone but I couldn't think whom it was. In the middle of the night I sat up and yelled Fanny Cradock, which frightened everyone and me most of all. Fanny was British and liked to pretend she was a lady. In her early days she cooked in a ballgown, with her husband Johnny, who I believe wore a monocle (though I could have imagined this bit). Think Julia Childs crossed with Margaret Thatcher. Terrified yet?
See for yourself...

Oh, you wanted to see her cook too? See what she does to this poor bird. Enjoy!

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