The Cool House: Thinking positive

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thinking positive

The upside of all the rain and humidity: moss on moss


Kathleen said...

Wow. I like that. Very pretty.

Christine H. said...

I think I've got moss growing on me as well.

le banc moussu said...

I come here and find friend of my blog whose name means "the mossy old bench".
Very hot in Paris this evening I'm but leaving tomorrow to my countryhouse in Picardy (north France).
A bientôt

Why S? said...

I just love moss. It makes me think of cool places and the potential for magic.

Alas, it is far too dry where I live - too much sun, too little humidity and it almost never rains. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Moss, especially when a few layers are grown, are great to decorate a garden's darker, shadowy corners. It adds a look of coolness and freshness to your garden design.


Joanne said...

Oh, very pretty. I wish I could grow that in the Midwest.