The Cool House: Standing straight

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Standing straight

I was feeling we'd hadn't accomplished much over the past season - we'd started half a dozen projects but none was actually finished - but one item we can cross of our list, with gratitude, is the fence on the south side. It's up, it looks pretty and it withstood 12+" of snow. You can read about the drama last winter here, here and here, or you can just admire the way the snow peaks on the flat caps look just like giant ice cream cones...


Nadine @ BDG said...

A much more picturesque view of the storm's aftermath than my images of shoveling. Stay warm!

house things said...

It's a beautiful fence. Isn't the snow fantastic?

heidi said...

please send pics of kitties in the snow. xxooh

modernemama said...

For Heidi: Does this count?

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I feel pretty accomplished for having dug the car out. Oh wait....Mike did that.

Nope. I've got nothing.
